Monday, June 27, 2011

Our first trip to visit the puppies!

Yay! We finally got to meet the pups! Of course, as suspected, they are BEYOND cute and fuzzy and stole my heart. Here's some pictures 

 Sleepy timez...Dreaming of all the trouble i'm gunna make soon =)

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Puppy K!

We signed Sir Knox up for Puppy Kindergarten yesterday! He won't be attending until August but his spot will be held for now. Taking all precautions to make sure he's a well rounded, well behaved Shiba =)

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Sometimes I like to sleep on my back with my legs tucked in...

No big deal, just probably the cutest thing I've ever seen. I have a sneaking suspicion that little boy to the left sleeping so oddly is our little boy. He just seems to be on our level. But we still don't know =)

Friday, June 10, 2011

Puppy Pie!

Got a wonderful surprise in my email yesterday, an updated picture of the pups. People keep asking if we know which one is our Knox, and we probably won't know until closer to 5-7 weeks. But it's still so wonderful to see them all grow. I am glad I am able to track his journey and watch him grow from the very beginnings, like this.

We are still getting everything ready. Now that we have things like toys, crate, etc...the more serious stuff comes into play such as indoor and outdoor gates, and fake grass. Currently our outdoor "area" is nothing but pavement and stones, we are hoping to make an area to lay down some fake grass to give Knox the ability to feel "comfy" when he's outdoors and continue getting used to going to the bathroom on grassy areas. He deserves the best! And the best he shall get. But finding this fake grass that's not breaking our banks seems to be harder than one would hope. Typical.  >=(

Unfortunately, with mine, amos, and the breeder's schedules we probably won't find a good time to meet the puppies until the end of this month. But it is good in a way, they will be a little older and much more interactive than they are now. It would be nice to see them at this stage, but it is what it is! I'll settle for wonderful pictures =)

Look Ma! Itza Puppy Pie!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Knox's Crate Arrived!

So it seems my posts will be petty posts until our boy is here, but i just can't help it! Every little part of this makes it more real that he's coming!


His crate was delivered yesterday as was our brand new living room furniture. Big day! =) We set up the crate tonight. I assumed it was a "tools" kind of project but it actually was a matter of just clipping each corner together. Fairly simple! We'll see if it withstands the brains of a Shiba. My boyfriend and I have a sneaking suspicion Knox will eventually figure out how to get himself out of the crate...but who knows.

It Arrives!

Out of the box...

Amos setting up Knox's new crib

Almost done! (2nd door) There's 2 doors on the crate

 Knox's new ha-bee-tat. Hope you like it, friend! =)

Now we just need a pup to fill this crate and we'll be set! We were hoping for a visit soon but it seems everyone's schedule is crazy lately. Looks like we won't be able to visit until late this month =( But oh well. We shall see them soon enough!

Until next time!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Let The Nesting Begin!

Today we started to get some stuff for Knox! We got a big fluffy pillow bed, a baby gate for the kitchen, some toys, and some safety locks for cabinets, and brushes. I'm SO glad we can finally get to plan for him!

We spoke to the breeder today to 100% confirm one of those boys is ours. And also might schedule our first visit next weekend!

Our beginnings of STUFF for Knox!
Pillow bed, Kong, Ropes, Safety locks, and Grooming Brushes!
...(Softest bed EVER)...

Knox's first toys!

Hopefully next weekend we'll make a visit and I'll be sure to post pics!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Puppy Pictures!!

So one of these 3 boys will most likely be our little Knox!! They're so teeny tiny right now. I'm excited and interested in seeing how each of their little personalities develops. 

They're all less than a day old in this pic. So precious =)
I'm already in love and I don't even know which one is ours yet.

Now that we know they are here, it's almost just as hard to wait another 8 weeks until we take our Knox home.

I'm SO SO SO SO happy !!