Sunday, November 27, 2011

I'm a free pup, finally.

The stitches are finally out and the cone is off! I used my Shiba mind control to make sure we made this weekend count. It was my first weekend back in the game and it wuz PAWSOME! I went to the dog park and dog store on Saturday and we went to a nice beach in Gloucester on Sunday.

Humans were really nervous about this weekend. Incase you havent heard (most of it iz lies anyway)..but in the past, I was accused of mounting and marking other dogs at the dog parks and beginning to act really dominant. I even used to try to mark places at the doggy stores and da vet. The marking of other dogs wuz rly bad. I don't know what came over me then. But this weekend it was all about DA FUNZ! I could care less about making sure I was the boss. I didn't mark or mount ONE SINGLE THING! I just ran around (yes, off leash...I iz a fake shiba) playing and chasing other dogs. My humans were super happy and gave me extra noms cuz of it!

Saturday wuz the first day back and we took a nice long walk to the doggy store then all the way to the doggy park. Although humans were stoked cuz it was sucessful, they weren't gunna get their hopes up just yet.
Come on MOM! I don't wanna stop to take pix! Let's GOOO!

But when we went for round 2 on Sunday, they were SUPER STOKED!  As long as I getz extra play time and extra noms...It'z all gravey! Plus I LOVE the beach!
 Guarding humom...



Here's some pictures of me playing the role of Shibasquatch...

Taking in the scenery...

After my pawesome day...I came home to take a little nap.

Pawrents are pleased, so they gave me a brand new pig ear to chew on later in the evening while we kicked back and watched sum human football.

Knox is a #twiba ! Follow him:

Shibas are not PAPER DOLLS!

Just because I am THE cutest creature on the planet, that does NOT MEAN YOU CAN CONTINUE DRESSING ME UP LIKE A DOLL. Wasn't Halloween good enough for you humans?! This is abuse!!!!


When it rains...the humans put this stoopid rain coat on me. SO EMBARASSING. I show my hatred for it immediately.

And the worst one of all....

I iz sad.......

They should know by now not to do it. The second they put any clothing on me, I freeze up and refuse to move any part of my body. Serves them right!


Knox is a #twiba ! Follow him:

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

N is for NEUTER.

Sorry, that sounds kind of crude. But as crude as it is, we (the humans) had no problems bidding farewell to those little tiny things that made our cute little pup turn into a crazy man! Knox is finally neutered!

In 1 month, Knox has picked up "marking" what was cute in the beginning has turned into a huge and embarrassing issue that clearly needs to be addressed and worked on. He has begun marking other dogs, and even has marked areas in dogs stores, other homes with other dogs living there, and even the vet. NOT OKAY. We all have our fingers crossed that neutering itself will fix this problem. If not, we have a serious problem on our hands. Obviously Knox is in his recovery stage so no rough play, and NO play dates. We don't even let him go up or down the stairs. He has to wear the "cone of shame" almost all day and he has a sedative the vet gave us to administer the next week if he gets too rowdy.

I'm hoping and praying that this post has positive updates. He LOVES to play with other dogs, but it seems his dominance has gotten the best of him =(

Here's a pic of the miserable sad face I look at pitiful.

Knox is a #twiba ! Follow him:

Monday, November 7, 2011


Click the link below to read about her story:

Female Chow Mix In Need!

It is UNFAIR that these pups have to live like this. If you can, please help make one less dog that has to live life full of pain and suffering. Any donation is appreciated!

If you'd like to make a contribution, please do so below. This is a safe, confidential, and effective way to make a contribution online.

Thanks for checking it out!

Saturday, November 5, 2011

I'm a Twiba!

I am finally a Twiba! Been begging the humans to get going on it. I was beginning to feel uncool. Please follow me and help me get started!

Here's the link:


Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Happy Halloween! ...Or not. Halloween means the humans get to dress me up in really itchy and uncomfortable clothing?


I am not amused...

I was "Hugh Hefner- the ladies man" with my bathrobe and pipe. Humans said it was fitting because I love the ladies. Whatever. Still not reason enough to dress me like a doll. HUFF.

But don't worry. I got my revenge. When they dress me, i like to stiffen up and pretend like I can't bend any limbs. I also refuse to do any tricks. BOYCOTT!!

But....I guess the benefit was, the ladies really did gravitate towards me.
What can I say? I'm a ladies' dog.