Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Happy Halloween! ...Or not.

...wait....so Halloween means the humans get to dress me up in really itchy and uncomfortable clothing?


I am not amused...

I was "Hugh Hefner- the ladies man" with my bathrobe and pipe. Humans said it was fitting because I love the ladies. Whatever. Still not reason enough to dress me like a doll. HUFF.

But don't worry. I got my revenge. When they dress me, i like to stiffen up and pretend like I can't bend any limbs. I also refuse to do any tricks. BOYCOTT!!

But....I guess the benefit was, the ladies really did gravitate towards me.
What can I say? I'm a ladies' dog.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Knox: Thanks for saying hi over on my blog. I'm looking forward to meeting you too.
    -woof! Tokyo
